Aloha and Mele Kalikimaka
Today is a day you wish you were here on Maui (or happy you are here!0. Although it's hard to tell what it is doing down there, at sea level, I have a pretty good idea. I can see the Pride of America (NCL) cruiseship in Kahului Harbor (yes, even from 3,500 way up here in Kula). Kahakuloa, off to the north, is as clear as a bell and the white foamy coastline tells us that surfers are happy today. Looking
northwest from here, I'm sure the humpback whales are frolicking in the pristine waters off Lahaina (and Lanai). For those of us who live in Hawaii, the island of Lanai offers us one of the most enchanting expressions of the Christmas spirit in Hawaii, The Four Seasons Lodge at Koele. Situated at approximately the 4,000 ft elevation on the top of Lanai, the Lodge at Koele's Great Hall is decorated richly and warmly and displays one of Hawaii's most stunning Christmas trees. (The picture attached here is at the gorgeous Four Seasons Wailea, Maui, with my best friend Sue!
I'll be back again soon. Ya'll come back now, ya hear!